Nella giornata di ieri è iniziata la distribuzione della nuova versione del firmware in oggetto, con la quale tra qualche giorno provvederò ad aggiornare la versione 1.24N presente nel mio apparato portatile.
In questa nuova versione ci sono diverse novità riguardanti l’uso dell’APRS, il funzionamento in DCDM e altro ancora,  oltre all’aggiornamento delle icone e del relativo CPS.

Quali sono le modifiche apportate? Quali bug sono stati risolti? Che novità ci sono, rispetto alla versione precedente?
Eccovi la lista delle migliorie apportate (change list), con CPS versione V1.25, versione SCT 3258 V2.01.07 BA (identica alla precedente e non richiede aggiornamento), e versione BT 10033 (identica alla precedente).


Di seguito le varie modifiche / aggiunte apportate con questa versione:

1. Allow to select TG and RX group list for the new channel created in radio menu.
2. Improve the Single Frequency Repeater unstable problem.
3. CPS->APRS->Analog, add 8 groups analog TX frequency.
In CPS->Channel->Analog APRS Report Freq, allows select a TX frequency to transmit the analog APRS.
4. CPS->Common Setting->Channel ->DMR Mode, add “DCDM TS Split” mode.
In this mode, the radio receives on the selected slot in channel, but in transmission it will use the other slot. This configuration is only in use when the radio talks through a D578UV in repeater mode with fixed slot.
5. CPS->Common Setting ->GPS Roaming, allow user set a list of GPS locations, when GPS positioning is within the preset radiation radius of coordinates, the radio will switch to the corresponding zone.
CPS->Common Setting-> Optional Setting ->GPS/Ranging -> GPS Roaming should be set ON to enable this function(make sure the GPS should be ON first).
6. CPS->Common Setting ->Zone -> Zone hide, add Zone Hide function in the Zone menu, it allows user hide some zone when they don’t need it on display. Since the Zone Hide is new inserted item, it may be checked automatically when open an existing codeplug.
CPS->Tool-> Zone Hide Operation, allows you check or uncheck all Zone Hide.
7. Add APRS SMS function in the radio menu, allows the radio to receive and transmit APRS message.
(Valid only when install the optional BT+APRS board)
Sending APRS Text from one AnyTone radio to another that has the APRS Rx feature.
Go to the radio Menu –> APRS –> APRS SMS where you can add a text message using the microphone keys, use the # key to switch from alpha to numbers, etc.
After entering your text, confirm it with the Menu button to get to the next Call Sign / SSID entry screen.
Enter the Call Sign and SSID dash number for the user you want to send the message to; use the # key to switch from alpha to numbers, etc. When you confirm the Call Sign the APRS test message will send.
NOTE: APRS SMS TX setting is using the CPS->APRS-> Analog setting, so the received channelshould have the matched frequency setting/CTCSS setting/band width to the TX radio’s APRS setting, and have the APRS RX turned on.
8. CPS->Common Setting ->Optional Setting->Key Function, add “Ana APRS Info”, for fast accessing the received APRS information. (Valid only when install the optional BT+APRS board)
9. CPS->Common Setting ->Channel -> Send Talker Alias, make the Talker Alias to be private setting for each channel, instead of public setting for all channels.
10. CPS->Tool -> APRS information Manager, allows the CPS to read the received APRS message from radio and export. (Valid only when install the optional BT+APRS board)
11. Add “Draft” in the Messages menu, unsuccessful SMS is saved in draft and can be resent.
12. Add timezone GMT+5:30(India), GMT+5:45 (Nepal), GMT+4:30(Afganistan), GMT+3:30(Iran) GMT-3:30 (Newfoundland, Canada), GMT+8:30 (Eucla)
13. Change the APRS message to be a lower priority than menu, the radio will not be kicked out of radio menu when receive the APRS message.
14. Correct the reverb/echo sound issue when transmit analog in the A+D channel.

Il pacchetto contenente i vari files di aggiornamento (firmware radio e BT, icone, ecc.), può essere facilmente scaricato in rete su diversi siti (tra non molto tempo sarà disponibile anche qui), o potete chiedermi di inviarvelo via email.

Auguro a tutti voi un buon aggiornamento e buone prove sperimentali, e a presto risentirci in DMR.

’73 de Paolo IV3BVK – K1BVK

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