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Questo post è dedicato a tutti Voi che passate da qui ogni tanto a dare uno sguardo, ai miei amici, al gruppo della rivista FCM, all’intera comunità Linux e Ubuntu.
Questo post è dedicato a tutti Voi che passate da qui ogni tanto a dare uno sguardo, ai miei amici, al gruppo della rivista FCM, all’intera comunità Linux e Ubuntu.
The ARRL is making all the final plans and preparations to bring its “show and tell” exposition — known as ARRL EXPO — to the Dayton Hamvention® next month. Hamvention, sponsored byLeggi ancora…
Periodically, ARRL Divisions will host a “webinar” — an interactive Web-based seminar, designed to facilitate communication between a small number of presenters and a large remote audience using the Internet — forLeggi ancora…
W4NXC Assistant Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R was awarded the Distinguished Service Award at the National Hurricane Conference — held April 18-22 in Atlanta, Georgia — for “exceptional service in providing emergency communicationLeggi ancora…
Beginning Tuesday, September 6, the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) will cease broadcasting its geophysical alert message on WWV and WWVH. These messages inform listeners of the solar flux, the mid-latitude ALeggi ancora…
By Sterling Coffey, N0SSC ARRL Youth Editor Hams have always been at the forefront of wireless technology since the dawn of radio in the late 1800s. Long ago, we were granted anLeggi ancora…
Both the average daily sunspot numbers and solar flux were both higher for the week: Sunspot numbers up more than 3 points to 93.1 and the solar flux up by 8 pointsLeggi ancora…
By Stan Horzepa, WA1LOU Contributing Editor This week, Surfin’ looks to Woz’s old stomping grounds for ham radio applications. Let me be up-front about something: I am a Mac guy. Always haveLeggi ancora…
Modern transceivers incorporate many features that not long ago were considered accessories: CW keyers and SWR meters come to mind. John Curtis, K6KU, created an electronic iambic-keyer circuit and subsequently offered anLeggi ancora…
The California Supreme Court refused to hear the antenna zoning case brought forth by Alex Zubarau, WB6X, of Palmdale, California — with the assistance of his ARRL Volunteer Counsel Len Shaffer, WA6QHDLeggi ancora…
First introduced in 2008, the ARRL’s Field Day Station Locator Service has proved a popular addition to the Field Day toolbox. This service — an interactive map that helps amateurs or thoseLeggi ancora…
The Project Blue Horizon 5 high-altitude transatlantic balloon flight originally scheduled for Friday, April 22, has been postponed to April 27 – 29. The Project Blue Horizon team is attempting to breakLeggi ancora…