Ci sono 2 file , per un totale di 3,0 MiB con 1.428 selezioni totali nella categoria total.
Visualizzazione 1 di 2 documenti, per un totale di 2 file.
» 1,1 MiB - 403 downloads - 18/10/2022
Welcome to DVSwitch Mobile (DVSM) version 2.0.0. In this major release we spent most of our time focused on the IAX2 side of the app.
New connection options and ease of use changes are now on hand. In addition, we added / fixed several other parts of the application.
We hope you enjoy the update.
What follows is an extended version of the change log for version 2.0
» 1,9 MiB - 1.025 downloads - 01/08/2021
DVSwitch Installation and User Guide Version 1.61
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